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The Globe’s Take
Finalist for the 2021 Pulitzer Prize in Editorial Writing

Latest headlines in editorials


State, Boston police caught using high-tech surveillance gadgetry without a warrant

The days of old style “bugs” and body wires may be gone, but a civil liberties nightmare lives on.


Passionate debate over the Israel-Hamas war is fine. Violence is not.

Dehumanizing rhetoric is making both Jews and Muslims fearful. Elected officials and civic leaders could do more to counter the vitriol.


Boston City Council: Globe endorses Louijeune, Mejia, Murphy, and Santana for at-large seats

Three incumbents, and one newcomer, should help steer the City Council away from its dysfunction of the last two years.


Putting the T on the straight and (not too) narrow

For more than a year, the agency knew tracks on the new Green Line extension were too close together. Now GM Phillip Eng needs to make sure the line is safe — while ending the culture that made it seem OK to hide the track problems from the public.


Statewide zoning could boost accessory dwelling unit construction

Healey’s proposal is expected to add 8,000 ADU units.


Biden was right to show solidarity with Israel. He is also right to counsel restraint in Gaza.

If Israel topples the Hamas government, then what? The US should be urging the Netanyahu government to think now about the future of the densely populated Gaza Strip.


Filling the leadership vacuum in the House requires a new plan

Far-right lawmakers flexed their muscle when they deposed former speaker Kevin McCarthy. But what if the resulting impasse over a new speaker ended up elevating the middle?


Healey was elected to tackle housing. With big $4 billion bond bill, she confronts the challenge head on.

ADU zoning, transfer tax worth supporting.